Grid monitoring
where it’s most needed

We partner with government agencies, funders, power providers, and researchers to provide accurate, timely data about energy systems. Our custom sensors, analytics, and expertise help customers better focus their investments into grid infrastructure.

Our process

What does working with us look like?

We work with partners on incremental projects, or large-scale deployments. Projects usually follow four steps.

We build local teams to deploy our custom sensors in residents’ homes, and in key locations for accurate data collection.

A sensor being installed in a home.Team members preparing for a deployment.

Why it matters

Better data means better outcomes for everyone

Clearer operational visibility

With our sensors deployed, utility providers can better understand where the grid is weakest and respond accordingly.

Improved long-term planning

Government agencies, funders, power providers, and researchers can use our data to better prioritize investments and evaluate real program outcomes.

Better service for citizens

At the end of the day, people get better service when the infrastructure they rely on is monitored.

More about our projects

We regularly publish behind-the-scenes details of our work on our blog.

Read our blog
Avatar for Clare-Joyce NgoranAvatar for Alexandra WallAvatar for Genevieve Flaspohler

Power Quality Data for Energy Planning in Nigerian Markets

Nigeria, the largest economy in Africa, has ambitious plans to reform its power sector and increase electrification. One piece of this strategy is the federal government’s Energizing Economies Initiative (EEI), which aims to provide electricity solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in “economic clusters” such as markets, shopping complexes, and agricultural/industrial clusters. In many developing regions, SMEs in the informal sector play a major role in the economy. Nigeria is no exception: these enterprises employ millions of people. Providing affordable and reliable electricity to these marketplaces is important for continued economic growth.
Avatar for Mohini Bariya
Mohini Bariya

What Can Voltages Tell Us About the Structure of the Grid?

Knowing the structure of the grid—how lines interconnect and what phases loads are on—is vital for efficient grid maintenance and operations, informing applications ranging from fault localization to phase balancing. Yet, grid structures, especially in distribution, can change over time and are often poorly known. This blog starts to explore how nLine’s voltage data could be used to infer grid structure, with a vision toward eventually providing such insight to utilities.
Avatar for Mohini BariyaAvatar for Molly HickmanAvatar for Genevieve Flaspohler

From Measurements to KPIs: Estimating SAIDI at nLine

How can we estimate SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index)—the average power outage duration experienced across all customers served—from PowerWatch sensor measurements of only a subset of customers? This post describes nLine’s statistical approach to estimate SAIDI from such a dataset. The nLine method has several favorable statistical properties that make it well-suited to calculating SAIDI in the real world where data is generally limited, which traditional SAIDI calculations neglect to consider.

Get in touch

We’re open to new partnerships, or sharing more with people interested in our work.